On the Road to Beating the Heat

Committing to a cooler tomorrow, we are in our pursuit of innovative solutions for urban living, we aim—in partnership with cities, private institutions and construction projects—to  fundamentally transform communities into cooler, more sustainable environments. By tackling urban warming head-on, we're not just changing landscapes—we're enhancing the quality of life for communities everywhere.

Temperature Reduction

CoolSeal significantly lowers surface temperatures, making urban areas more livable and reducing the reliance on air conditioning. This not only enhances outdoor comfort but also contributes to a substantial decrease in urban heat islands, fostering a cooler environment for all.

Energy Savings

By reflecting sunlight and reducing surface temperatures, our solutions contribute to lower energy consumption within urban buildings. This translates into considerable energy savings and reduced greenhouse gas emissions, aligning with broader sustainability goals.

Lower Long-Term Costs

The innovative design of CoolSeal not only withstands the test of time better than traditional materials but also requires less maintenance. This durability translates into cost savings for cities and private institutions alike, making it a smart investment for the future.

Reflect, Protect and Preserve

How It Works

Reflective Formula

Coolseal's unique formula, which is made with recycled materials and free of harmful chemicals, is designed to convert solar heat / harmful UV rays into other forms of light, interrupting  heat absorption.

Temperature Reduction

This reflection of sunlight directly reduces the surface temperature of the pavement, often by 10-20 degrees Fahrenheit under certain conditions, making it cooler to the touch and the surrounding area more comfortable.

Urban Heat Island Mitigation

By lowering pavement temperatures, CoolSeal contributes to reducing the urban heat island effect, which is the temperature disparity between urban areas and their rural surroundings.
CoolSeal leverages eco-friendly materials to cut waste and toxic emissions, enhancing community life by cooling the pavements, which extends their life, reduces upkeep costs, and fosters more sustainable urban infrastructure.
Sustainability Support

Create Change With Us

Allow the CoolSeal team to provide technical support and assistance with sustainability, heat mitigation, and climate planning programs, and assist with grant preparation.

Heat mitigation planning and implementation support

Sustainability and climate program consultation

Grant writing, application preperation and submission

Create Change with Us

CoolSeal at Work

Get the latest updates on cooling communities and creating change.


Cool Communities, Healthy People: CoolSeal's Webinar Series

CoolSeal’s “Cool Communities, Healthy People” Webinar Series connects experts and communities with strategies to combat extreme heat and protect public health.
August 28, 2024
min read

Understanding Mean Radiant Temperature

Learn more about Mean Radiant Temperatures and the environmental benefits of CoolSeal sealcoats.
August 7, 2024
min read

JULY WEBINAR: Heat Waves and Health: What You Need to Know

CoolSeal's July Webinar featured insights from experts Dr. Melissa Guardaro and Dr. Caleb Dresser on managing extreme heat and climate-related health hazards.
July 23, 2024
min read


Find answers to commonly asked questions about CoolSeal's innovative asphalt sealcoat.

What is a heat island?

Heat islands — typically referred to as urban heat islands (UHI) — are urban and suburban areas with significantly higher temperatures than surrounding rural areas. UHIs can impact energy use, environmental issues, and public health.

What causes heat islands?

Many cities and suburbs lack abundant green spaces and trees, which naturally cool the air and ground through evapotranspiration (water absorbed through the ground and emitted as vapor), provide shade, and capture dioxide. Many building materials, such as asphalt, concrete, and dark rooftops, trap and retain heat. As cities grow vertically with tall buildings, air flow is limited and heat is kept close to the ground, causing UHI effects even at night. Densely populated and densely constructed cities also emit more waste heat from vehicles, factories, and construction, worsening the effect.

Can suburbs have heat islands?

Yes. Although suburbs may grow horizontally with fewer high-rise buildings and may have more parks, these areas still have features that induce heat islands. Large parking lots, wide roads, energy-intensive businesses, large homes cooled by air conditioning, and building and roofing materials that retain heat can all contribute to heat islands.

What is mean radiant temperature (MRT) and how does it affect urban heat islands?

Mean radiant temperature measures both outdoor air temperature (OAT) and surrounding surface temperatures to provide an accurate assessment of how heat feels and is perceived, similar to "wind chill factor." It is useful for measuring urban heat islands, where MRT is typically higher than nearby rural areas even when the OAT is similar, due to surfaces that trap heat, higher density, and fewer green spaces.

How do urban heat islands affect citizens?

UHIs affect air and water quality, increase peak energy demand in summer, and can lead to serious health concerns and death. Urban heat disproportionately affects vulnerable populations in dense areas, including lower-income people who do not have air conditioning, senior citizens, and unhoused people. For example, a report found that in New York City between 2010-2020, more than 100 residents died of heat stress and another 2% of deaths by natural causes were considered to be exacerbated by summer heat. Daily life impacts include higher utility bills in summer, rolling blackouts, inability for children to engage in healthy outdoor play, and difficult conditions for construction, utility, and other outdoor workers.

How do urban heat islands affect the environment?

Urban heat islands lead to higher energy usage and greenhouse gas emissions as people and businesses increase their use of air conditioning and fans. Without carbon dioxide-absorbing vegetation, more emissions enter the atmosphere.

What are sustainability benefits of mitigating urban heat islands?

Reducing surface temperatures and mean radiant temperature can lead to less energy use in the summer. Planting more trees and increasing vegetation cover, green spaces, and rooftop gardens helps absorb carbon dioxide, as well as protect against erosion and reduce stormwater runoff. Using surface materials like CoolSeal, which incorporates recycled materials in its formula and is free of polymers, hazardous volatiles, and carcinogenic additives, provides additional environmental benefits.

How effective is CoolSeal in reducing heat in urban areas?

CoolSeal reflects 30% more sunlight and lowers surface temperatures by 10-16℉, compared to uncoated asphalt. It can lower surface temperatures by up to 20℉ as compared to black-coat asphalt. It also lowers subsurface temperatures by nearly 5℉, resulting in long-lasting surfaces that reduce maintenance needs and save on costs.

Still have questions?

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